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August 16, 2023

Enveil Now Awardable Through Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace

The DoD Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace provides another pathway to unlock Enveil's Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning capabilities

Enveil is pleased to share that our solutions are now awardable through the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace, the gateway for readily-awardable AI/ML solutions that provides the Department of Defense with a streamlined path to access cutting-edge technologies. This milestone empowers us to efficiently deliver our privacy-preserving machine learning capabilities, providing another pathway for government partners to utilize our suite of Enveil ZeroReveal® ML solutions.

In today’s world, traditional security and privacy constraints make it difficult to extract insights from disparate data sources, limiting the DoD's ability to enhance situational awareness, make informed decisions, and protect against emerging threats. Inadequate data analysis also poses risks, such as delayed threat detection and compromised mission success. This challenge demands innovative solutions that can unlock the value of data while preserving confidentiality and mission integrity.

Engineering trust through the power of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), our ZeroReveal Machine Learning solutions extend the boundary of trusted compute by enabling encrypted federated learning across boundaries and silos of disparate, decentralized datasets. With Enveil, DoD users can securely obtain data-driven insights that will transform how and where data can be leverage for mission use.

Our ZeroReveal Machine Learning product-suite is designed to address specific customer pain points. ZeroReveal ML Encrypted Evaluation ensures ML models and their associated results remain encrypted throughout the entire evaluation lifecycle. ZeroReveal ML Encrypted Training allows organizations to securely train models in an encrypted capacity. This approach enables encrypted federated learning, protecting the model development process, the data used for training, as well as the interests and intent of the parties involved. 

As a trusted partner dedicated to protecting mission-critical data, we are proud to be part of the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace. Our innovative, PETs-powered solutions help deliver secure data-driven insights, which can strengthen national security and advance mission objectives.

To understand why these capabilities are critical for the public sector, learn why Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PETs + ML) is the next frontier of secure data usage.

Enveil available on Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace
To learn more about the expanded value unlocked by Enveil, please schedule a meeting.
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Enveil is a pioneering Privacy Enhancing Technology company protecting Data in Use. Enveil’s business-enabling and privacy-preserving capabilities change the paradigm of how and where organizations can leverage data to unlock value. Defining the transformative category of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), Enveil’s award-winning ZeroReveal® solutions for secure data usage, collaboration, monetization, and Secure AI protect the content of the search, analytic, or model while it's being used or processed. Customers can extract insights, cross-match, search, analyze, and leverage AI across boundaries and silos at scale without exposing their interests and intent or compromising the security or ownership of the underlying data. A World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and Gartner Cool Vendor, Enveil is deployed and operational today, revolutionizing data usage in the global marketplace.
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