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Public Sector

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Public Sector

Privacy Enhancing Technologies transform data usage for federal users, enabling data to be securely leveraged across silos and security boundaries.
Mission-Enabling SolutionsPETs-Powered Secure AI




Enveil for Public Sector

Trusted Compute in Untrusted Locations

Enveil changes the paradigm of how and where federal agencies can leverage data to unlock mission value. Defining the transformative category of Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Enveil’s ZeroReveal® solutions allow data to be securely processed with sensitive indicators while remaining in the untrusted domain. Operators and analysts can perform encrypted operations such as searches, analytics, machine learning, and watchlist alerting from classified/trusted domains against sources on untrusted/lower classification domains, eliminating the need to move or replicate data.

With ZeroReveal, public sector users can securely leverage OSINT, PAI, and third-party data without compromising mission integrity or increasing operational risk. Our innovative solutions ensure that sensitive indicators remain encrypted during processing, enabling organizations to securely and efficiently accelerate the timeline for turning raw data inputs into actionable intelligence.
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Case Study Spotlight

Federal agencies need to utilize vast amounts of data, often from sources that are siloed across security boundaries and networks. Enveil ZeroReveal® allows agencies to unlock the untapped potential of these existing datasets without compromising the privacy and security of the underlying data or the interest/intent of the data user. By enabling secure and private data usage across boundaries, Enveil’s solutions empower public sector organizations to extract value from a broad range of previously untapped data sources, streamline operations, and accelerate decision-making timelines, all while safeguarding mission-sensitive information.

Understanding the Unique Needs of Mission Users

Public sector data users operate in a landscape where collaboration and speed to insight are critical, but security cannot be compromised. The stakes are incredibly high as these organizations manage a vast array of sensitive interests, spanning from intelligence to citizens' health records. In such environments, even a single exposure can have far-reaching consequences for national security and erode public trust. Powered by Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Enveil’s solutions play a pivotal role in addressing the data usage risk associated with these challenges.

Mission-Enabling Secure Data Usage

The benefits of Privacy Enhancing Technologies go far beyond risk management; they offer federal agencies significant opportunities to improve decision making by allowing them to securely collaborate and extract insights from a broad range of data sources. Enveil provides a clear pathway for federal agencies to harness the power of data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, without risking data exposure or misuse. This means that users can engage in necessary data sharing and collaboration with the confidence that their sensitive data, interests, and mission intent will remain protected.

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Explore how our public sector solutions drive success through a detailed case study request.
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Enveil is a pioneering Privacy Enhancing Technology company protecting Data in Use. Enveil’s business-enabling and privacy-preserving capabilities change the paradigm of how and where organizations can leverage data to unlock value. Defining the transformative category of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), Enveil’s award-winning ZeroReveal® solutions for secure data usage, collaboration, monetization, and Secure AI protect the content of the search, analytic, or model while it's being used or processed. Customers can extract insights, cross-match, search, analyze, and leverage AI across boundaries and silos at scale without exposing their interests and intent or compromising the security or ownership of the underlying data. A World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and Gartner Cool Vendor, Enveil is deployed and operational today, revolutionizing data usage in the global marketplace.
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